冬至也有繪本喔!紐伯瑞金獎作家 Susan Cooper (蘇珊.庫柏) + 凱迪克銀牌插畫家 Carson Ellis (卡森.艾莉絲),The Shortest Day (最短的一日) 。

“The Shortest Day” by Susan Cooper
And so the Shortest Day came and the year died And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world Came people singing, dancing, To drive the dark away. They lighted candles in the winter trees; They hung their homes with evergreen; They burned beseeching fires all night long To keep the year alive. And when the new year’s sunshine blazed awake They shouted, reveling. Through all the frosty ages you can hear them Echoing behind us—listen! All the long echoes, sing the same delight, This Shortest Day, As promise wakens in the sleeping land: They carol, feast, give thanks, And dearly love their friends, And hope for peace. And now so do we, here, now, This year and every year. Welcome, Yule! 如此,最短的一天到來,一年也謝幕, 而在這雪白的世界的每個世紀, 人們紛紛唱歌,跳舞, 以驅散黑暗。 他們在冬季的樹上點燃蠟燭, 用常青樹裝飾他們的家, 整夜點燃乞求之火, 以維持一年的生機。 當新年的陽光燦爛醒來時, 他們歡呼著,陶醉著。 透過所有冰冷的年代,你都能聽到他們 在我們背後迴響—請聽! 所有長久的迴響,都在歌唱同樣的喜悅, 這最短的一天, 就像承諾在沉睡的土地中甦醒: 他們歌頌,盡情宴樂,感恩, 深愛他們的朋友, 並期盼和平。 而現在,我們在此地,此刻, 今年,以及每一年。 歡迎,冬至!

Carson 的插圖連接古老的傳統與現在,書一開始的色調是偏黑暗的,但最後迎接光明、慶祝光亮的來到。這本書適合慶祝冬至,但不慶祝(或也慶祝)耶誕節的人。
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